Neighborhood activation

For lively and sustainable neighbourhoods

We set up shared spaces, activities and eco-responsible services corresponding to the needs of the inhabitants.

Whether for existing or developing neighbourhoods or buildings, Enoki takes care of every step of the activation process, from sustainability diagnosis, through the implementation on the ground and the monitoring of sustainability performance indicators.


Evaluate the needs of the inhabitants, define the areas for improvement and the activities and services to be set up.

  • Sustainability diagnosis

  • Survey of residents

  • Activation scenarios


Set up services and facilities and activate the dynamic with the inhabitants.

  • Community building

  • Setting up services

  • Awareness-raising workshops


Supporting the neighbourhood dynamic and monitoring sustainability performance.

  • Support for dynamics

  • Periodic survey

  • Monitoring of indicators

why activate neighbourhood life ?

Activation aims to facilitate the transition to sustainable lifestyles while improving the quality of life of users.


developers, owners and property managers

improve the attractiveness of buildings

reduce the vacancy rate
achieve sustainability objectives (ESG or neighbourhood certification)


residents and tenants

facilitate daily life
provide a neighbourhood life
improve the quality of life


reduce CO2 emissions

increase local exchanges

improve social dynamics

Want to know more ? Contact us !