Social interaction spaces: for whom and how?

Our SNBS auditors Loïc Simon and Baptiste Gex will be speaking at the SNBS Lunch-Session, Tuesday November 12 at noon, dedicated to social interaction spaces. They will share their recommendations for integrating common spaces in the planning phase and facilitating their proper management and use in the operational phase. Don’t miss this event! We’ll be […]

Two new neighborhood labels

In September, major changes took place in the Swiss labels, with harmonized processes and themes, as well as the launch of two district-level labels! Minergie-Quartier is based on 5 themes and 8 criteria. The label aims for maximum efficiency in the use of natural resources (construction and operation), measures to adapt to global warming in […]

Faced with upheaval: reenchanting neighborhoods

The latest issue of HabitatDurable features an interview with Axelle Marchon, who explains how creating a new dynamic with residents or tenants is essential to improving a neighborhood’s sustainability and resilience in the event of a crisis. Read the magazine

On RTS La 1ère

Baptiste Gex was on Lucile Solari’s Prise de Terre radio show to talk about activating neighborhood life and facilitating sustainable living. You can also listen to Sarah Schalles, Director of the Swiss Association for Sustainable Neighborhoods, present the first neighborhood in Switzerland to be certified SEED next generation living in Orbe. Listen to the topic

Sustainable Start-Ups: Enoki

Why and how is Enoki working towards a more sustainable world? Find out in the latest video produced by Fri Up and the Direction du développement territorial, des infrastructures, de la mobilité et de l’environnement (DIME). The aim of this video project is to shine the spotlight on start-ups in the canton of Fribourg that […]

Terre & Nature article

The wood-iD project was recently featured in Terre&Nature Publications SA! The project, for which we were responsible for the design, was completed this summer, in partnership with Groupe JPF for planning and implementation, the client Bluefactory Fribourg-Freiburg SA, and specialists from Groupe E and ECAB – KGV. Our thanks also go to the other companies […]

Fribourg Network – Bioeconomy

Wood-iD is featured in the latest issue of Fribourg Network, dedicated to bioeconomics. The Fribourg Network is the business magazine of the canton of Fribourg Read thearticle

Axelle Marchon, the city in symbiosis

As part of her nomination to the Forum des 100, our associate Axelle Marchon recounts her career and what gave birth to Enoki in a portrait published in Le Temps newspaper. Read the portrait in Le Temps ©Pierre-Yves Massot /