About enoki

As specialists in neighborhood activation and ecological and social sustainability in real estate, our mission is to facilitate the transition to sustainable living while improving the daily lives of residents.




More than 40 local authorities, urban planners, architects, developers, institutional owners, cooperatives and property managers across Switzerland have chosen to place their trust in us.



We have been working for over 6 years in the field of ecological and social sustainability in real estate, and are now recognized as a specialist in French-speaking Switzerland thanks to our methodology and feedback.



To offer a quality living environment that is both attractive and sustainable, we have designed, developed and supported over 30 residential and mixed-use neighborhoods, in collaboration with project and management teams and thousands of residents.

Our values


We respond to the needs of real estate assets at all phases of their life cycle, using a pragmatic approach to sustainability and focusing on on-the-ground experience, for a positive impact on the environment and society tailored to the potential of each context..

High durability

We embody strong sustainability, which means preserving our 3 stocks (environment, society, economy) independently.
The result is a balanced consideration of the principles of environmental responsibility, social solidarity and economic efficiency.


As experts in sustainability, we stand out for our reliability, the quality of our services and our effective methodologies.
We support our customers and project teams with seriousness, rigor and attention to detail.


Our team brings together a wide range of complementary skills.
In an environment that respects diversity, we foster synergies between disciplines for in-depth understanding and comprehensive solutions to complex problems.


We encourage collaboration between players in the real estate, public, civic and local economy sectors.
We believe in co-creation towards common goals, while respecting and empathizing with each other’s needs.


Confidentiality is of paramount importance to us.
We take great care to protect our customers’ information and their projects, thus fostering a relationship of trust in our collaborations.

Commitments and affiliations


Enoki is Bcorp-certified and thus meets high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and legal responsibility.


Enoki is a member of the Network for Sustainable Building Switzerland (NNBS).
The NNBS creates a clear definition of sustainable construction in Switzerland, and provides measuring and monitoring instruments for this purpose.

SVIT Romandie

Enoki is a member of SVIT Romandie, the French-speaking part of Switzerland’s real estate industry.


Enoki is a member of the Swiss Association for Sustainable Neighborhoods, which promotes socially responsible neighborhoods based on respect for the environment and the well-being of residents.

Our history

From NeighborHub to the creation of Enoki

The NeighborHub, the Swiss solar house that won the US Solar Decathlon 2017, is the result of the work of over 250 students and professors from EPFL, HEIA-FR, HEAD and UNIFR.
Relocated to bluefactory under the name “Le Hub”, it promotes sustainable lifestyles through its shared spaces and services.

Inspired by this experience, six associates founded Enoki on August 24, 2018, with the aim of creating sustainable real estate.
The name “Enoki” symbolizes our commitment to sustainable and harmonious connections, inspired by the fungal mycelium facilitating synergies.

The NeighborHub encourages sustainable lifestyles through the sharing of spaces and the creation of social links.
It has led us to rethink urban practices: how can we live ecologically and in a convivial way in a dense urban environment?

To answer these questions and transform real estate, Enoki has developed the neighborhood activation process.

We're here to imagine, build and activate sustainability in real estate.